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Information on Spring 2020 Semester

For the Spring 2020 semester of Hope Tutoring School, classes will begin on Saturday, March 7 from 10:00 am to 1:30 pm with a half-hour lunchtime and continue each Saturday to June 6. Classes will not be held on March 21 because of Spring Break – No School week according to Flagstaff Unified School District’s academic calendar, April 11 in observance of Easter weekend, and May 23 in observance of Memorial Day. 
During Spring Break week, we will take some students of our tutoring school on study tours(Field Trip) to major IT companies such as Google, Apple and Facebook, Stanford & UC Berkely universities, and then a coding competition event in California. This is planned in order that Navajo Native kids may have a bigger vision in Christ. Please pray for this vision trip.
Our school schedule is as follows.

March  7
             21 – No School (Field Trip)
April     4
             11 – No School
May      2
             23 – No School
June      6

You can download the Enrollment & Liability Release Forms from the link below. Please fill out these forms and turn them in.

The Enrollment & Liability Release Forms


For more information, please visit the following website.


Thank you. 

We had an end-of-semester party yesterday

We had an end-of-semester party and offered a scholarship to six students yesterday. The total number of students in our school was thirteen. Some parents and guardians joined. All attendees were happy and delightful. We just wanna say thank you to all of the sponsors and volunteer tutors. Please continue to pray for us and Navajo children.
(어제 이번 가을 학기 종강 파티를 가졌는데 6명의 아이들에겐 장학금도 수여했습니다. 학생수는 모두 13명이었습니다. 몇분의 부모들과 보호자들도 참석했습니다. 참석자들 모두 행복했고 즐거웠습니다. 후원해 주신 분들과 자원봉사하신 선생님들께 감사를 드립니다. 저희와 나바호 아이들을 위해 계속 기도를 부탁드립니다.