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We had a special coding event on June 22, 2019

We had a special coding event in Leupp on June 22, 2019, hosted by Andrew Ahn, Jae Jang, and their 3 children. 15 Navajo kids participated in this. They guided a worship service with some gospel songs, taught coding and coloring on the evangelic design paper, and let the Navajo kids play with a toy plane on the ground. Lastly, they offered presents to all kids. It’s been a pleasant day!


We finished Spring 2019 semester

We finished the Spring 2019 semester on Saturday, June 1. Seven students were in attendance at the closing ceremony with their families. We offered presents and scholarships to the students. In this semester, the total registration of students was 9. We had some difficulties in running our school classes because we started it in Flagstaff for the first time this year. Nevertheless, God gave our school a lot of grace. Even if there are a small number of students in the school, they could take a good lesson from four professional teachers. We expect that we can further develop our school programs in the Fall semester. To this end, we’ll especially contact the education officials in Flagstaff Unified School District.
And Andrew Ahn’s team is scheduled to come to Leupp to teach coding to Navajo kids on Saturday, June 22. Community Church of Seattle(시애틀형제교회) coding mission team also will come here in August.
Please pray for these, so Navajo kids can dream of a better future. Thank you, God, Community Church of Seattle and some people.