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Today is the second day of tutoring for Navajo kids.

Today (September 24, 2016) was so exciting, because we had a coding and math tutoring time for Navajo kids in a cabin next to Leupp Baptist Church.


Request of Prayer

We need your prayer for Native American children and us. Without it, our services for them can't be continued. Prayer is a vital and important part in our ministry.

“Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened."(Matthew 7:7-8)



Email: ctchome@naver.com
Call: (408) 849-8017 (Sunny), (408) 903-7397 (Joseph)

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.
Thank you for your cooperation.

About us

Hope Tutoring is on a mission to help Native American students from kindergarten to grade 12 have a good educational environment and advance their academic knowledge and skill. It is based on our belief that it is of the utmost importance for their actual needs. We are ready to serve them in the Christian faith. 

Hope Tutoring is Hope Mission Center & *FMN Student Success program. [*FMN - Flagstaff  Mission to the Navajos] 

We have continued our school for three years in the Leupp area of the Navajo Nation. From 2019 on, we launched our school to have four classes, 1) Computer Coding 2)  Math 3) English, at 2724 E Lakin Dr #10, Flagstaff, AZ 86004.

Everything in our school including tuition, materials, and food will be provided free of charge. And all students can get a scholarship.

Teachers & Assistants

● Computer: Morgan Vigil-Hayes (Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Computer Science at Northern Arizona University) 

● Math: Isaac Hayes (Former high school math teacher) 

● Director: Joseph Lee (Missionary & Pastor), Sunny Jeon (Missionary & Social Worker)

Thank you. Ahe'hee! 


We definitely need some volunteers to support tutoring to Navajo children. If you want to work for them as a volunteer, please contact us at ctchome@naver.com or text at  (408) 903-7397.

Hope Tutoring Services

Hope Tutoring Services(HTS) is committed to providing free tutoring of mainly Coding and Math to children in Navajo Indian Reservation. We started this work on September 17th of 2016 in Leupp of the Reservation, 3.5 hours from Phoenix. 
We strive to offer the top educational service and environment on the basis of the soul of Christianity. Navajo Native people maybe live in the poorest and most deplorable conditions in America. Being sure that tutoring is a very good method for the future of children, we ask for your prayer and actual cooperation for this. 
Thank you. 


The coding school opened today.

Today the coding school opened in Navajo Indian Reservation. Its class was really exciting. A lot of kids came to participate in the class, and the small cabin was filled beyond capacity, so unfortunately we had to cut some ones off from it. And from next Saturday, we'll instruct only over-nine-year-olds, most of whom have a good grasp of the coding.
Thank you for your prayer and help in Christ.

(If you click on the picture, you can see the larger one)

We have a plan of the Math tutoring for the Navajo kids thru the Scratch

We also have a plan of the Math tutoring for the Navajo kids thru the Scratch. You can watch the following youtube video, which is narrated in Korean. We need your prayer and help for this.

We have a scratch coding class in Navajo, Sep thru Dec, 2016

In Leupp, Navajo Indian Reservation, AZ, we have a scratch coding class of 12-week, totally 36-hour lessons, every Saturday afternoon  from September 17th to December 17th. You can review the following web posting concerning this. Our mission's ultimate goal is to evangelize Navajo people through the tool like this. Please keep on praying for this class. Thank the Lord and you.



Leupp, AZ  (If you click the picture, you can see the larger one)

Scratch Class in Navajo Indian Reservation, AZ, August 12-13, 2016

We had a scratch coding class in Leupp, Navajo Indian Reservation, AZ, August 12 thru 13 (Friday - Saturday). It was so exciting, useful event for Navajo Native American kids. 16 instructors participated in this event, and about 30 kids attended at that time. And we discussed about starting the scratch school for Navajo kids, as a result we can have a plan to start it in Leupp. This is scheduled to have 12-week, totally 36-hour lessons, every Saturday afternoon  from September 17th to December 17th.
Thank the Lord and you.